Helpful Resources About Counseling

  • The Science Behind Therapy

    This article from Mental Health America explores the neurobiological changes that happen in your brain that allow for the positive behavioral and emotional changes many people experience from psychotherapy.

  • What is Psychotherapy?

    This article from the American Psychiatric Association outlines types of therapies and explores the efficacy of psychotherapy. It also provides some basic guidelines around the practice of psychotherapy.

  • 11 Intriguing Reasons to Give Therapy a Try

    The norm of our culture has been to “stuff” or deny feelings entirely. But we can’t stop bad feelings without numbing the good ones too. This article in Forbes explores the benefits of learning to let yourself feel and talk about it.

  • What to Expect During Your First Session

    In addition to considerations about choosing a therapist, this article provides useful insight into what your first therapy session will be like and how to prepare, including what kind of questions you might be asked.

  • Should I Try Therapy?

    In this Psychology Today article, you’ll learn about effective strategies for starting therapy, and what questions to ask (both yourself and your counselor) as you begin.

  • What Does Evidence-Based Even Mean?

    This article from Neurotherapeutics on the NIH explores what the buzz-phrase “evidence-based” therapy means, and what the advantages and challenges are to incorporating these practices into clinical mental health therapy.

  • Associations Between Nature Exposure and Health

    This article delves into the extensive research linking time with nature to improved mental health.

  • Walk and Talk Therapy

    This article on WebMD explores the benefits of walking sessions (and it’s not just the exercise that helps!).

  • What Are The Benefits of Walking Therapy?

    Read this to learn about the benefits and potential drawbacks (confidentiality comes to mind) of walking therapy.

Favorite Podcast & Youtube Episodes

  • Do You Have ADHD?

    The difference between ADHD and human distractibility, and strategies for managing ADHD that can improve your focus, even if you don’t have it.

  • What Weight Tells Us About Our Health

    In this episode with Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the Chasing Life series, Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford explains what makes a “healthy weight” and why changes in diet and exercise don’t help everyone.

  • The Effects of Alcohol

    This Huberman Lab episode discusses the physiological effects that drinking alcohol has on the body and brain.

  • The Science of Awe

    Human qualities we have understood in terms of virtue — experiences we’ve called spiritual — are now being taken seriously by science as intelligence — as elements of human wholeness. Dacher Keltner speaks about the science of awe and other pro-social emotions in this fascinating episode.

  • Why We Can't Pay Attention

    Sean Illing talks with the author Johann Hari about his new book Stolen Focus, which explores what's happening — and what's already happened — to our attention.

  • Esther Perel on Trauma & Narrative

    Esther discusses how the generational differences in parenting, among other things, led to the rise of individualism with a focus on happiness and self-esteem to the detriment of our relationships and sense of community.

  • An Uncomfortable (But Meaningful) Conversation About Race

    Lama Rod Owens encourages us to step outside of our comfort zones in this conversation about race.

  • The Anti-Diet

    Diets lead us to mistrust our bodies and mis-read the signals they give us. The Intuitive Eating approach changes all of that.